Enzo Benoit-Jeannin

I'm a


I'm a third year student completing a Software Engineering Bachelor with a minor in Applied Artificial Intelligence. I am also a Photographer, Videographer and DJ in my free time. This portfolio is made for you to explore my past work and projects!

Third year Engineering student & Photographer

I was born and raised near Paris but I currenlty live and study in Montreal. My setup for photography and videography consists of a Canon 700D, with a Sigma 17-70mm 2.8f along with a Canon 50mm 1.8f. I have been doing photography and videography for 7 years now and continue to do so in my free time.

  • Birthday: 28 June 2002
  • Github: Enzo2806
  • Phone: +33769799425 / +1(438)-764-1940
  • City: Montreal - Paris - Toulouse
  • Age: 20
  • Degree: Bachelor of Software Engineering - Minor in Applied Artificial Intelligence
  • Email: enzosandro2806@gmail.com

Programming Skills

Programing Languages

As a versatile programmer, I possess a diverse set of skills that allows me to tackle a wide range of challenges. My proficiency in Java, Python, C, Swift, Assembly, Shell programming and Ocaml is a testament to my ability to work with a variety of languages, both low-level and high-level. With Java, I have the ability to create robust, scalable, and high-performance enterprise applications. My exaustive knowledge of the Python programming language allows me to efficiently develop code that is easy to read, maintain, and test. Moreover, I am familiar with the numpy library, and understand its importance in data manipulation and mathematical computation in Python. I used this powerful and widely-used library for scientific computing, machine learning and data analysis projects. I also have experience with other libraries such as SciPy, Pandas and scikit-learn. The C programming language allows me to write efficient and high-performance code that can run on various platforms. Studying Assembly allowed me to work with the hardware-level instructions of the microprocessor, while Shell programming gave me the ability to automate various tasks. My knowledge of OCaml and Swift, a functional programming language demonstrates my willingness to explore new technologies and stay current. With some experience in Javascript, HTML, and CSS I have the ability to design and build interactive and dynamic web pages. My broad skillset in these programming languages and libraries makes me a valuable asset to any team and opens up a wide range of opportunities in different industries.

Machine Learning

As someone with knowledge in machine learning, I have a strong foundation in a variety of techniques and algorithms. My understanding of neural networks, including sequential, MLP and convolutional, demonstrates your proficiency in one of the most powerful approaches to machine learning. My knowledge of K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Trees, Logistic Regression, multi class regression and Support Vector Machines (SVMs) showcase my ability to work with a variety of supervised learning algorithms. My knowledge of regression, including linear and logistic regression, and ensemble learning, such as random forests and gradient boosting, demonstrate my ability to work with different methods of predictive modeling. Furthermore, the knowledge of ensemble learning technique shows my understanding on how to improve the performance of a single model by combining the predictions from multiple models. Overall, my knowledge in these various techniques and algorithms positions me well to tackle a wide range of machine learning problems and make valuable contributions in a field that is becoming increasingly important.

HTML 30%
CSS 30%
JavaScript 10%
Assembly 70%
Shell 55%
Java 100%
C 75%
Python 90%
Ocaml 90%
Swift 50%

Designer Skills

Through my years of practcing alone and learning using the internet, I have become proficient in a variety of industry-standard software. Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Final Cut, and Lightroom are all tools that I have mastered and used with ease. My proficiency in these programs allows me to create stunning visual works that stand out for their technical quality and creative vision.

Photoshop 80%
Lightroom 100%
Premiere Pro 100%
After Effects 60%
Final Cut Pro 100%



Enzo Benoit-Jeannin

Innovative third year Software Engineering student.

  • Milton parc, Montreal, Canada
  • +33769799425 / (438) 764-1940
  • enzosandro2806@gmail.com


Bachelor of Software Engineering & Minor in Applied Artificial Intelligence

2020 - 2024

McGill University, Montreal, Canada

CGPA: 3.84/4.0

Projects and Activities

Member of the McGill Rocket Team Video Recorder project


McGill University, Montreal, Canada

  • Video recording of the rocket launch.
  • Coded in Python on a Raspberry Pi.
  • Set up a camera and use the altitude sensor to start and stop recording.
  • Basics of PCB design with Altium.

Martial Arts: Qwan Ki Do


Manh hô Qwan ki Do Martial Art Club, Bonnières-sur-seine, 78270, France

  • 2019 - Paris Champion in the technical category.
  • 2019 - National vice-champion in the fighting category.
  • 2018: National champion in the fighting category.

Photographer and videographer

From 2014
  • Official photographer of the Manh hô Qwan ki Do Martial Art Club
  • Weddings, School events (Blues Pub, Frosh) and Travel Photographer.
  • Videograph: mini travel films using a drone.
  • Member of the Multimedia sub-team of the McGill Rocket Team.

Professional Experience

SKF Magnteic Mechatronics

August 2021

SKF Magnetic Mechatronics, 2 Rue des Champs, 27950 Saint-Marcel, France

  • Host of the main lobby: greet and direct guests, anticipate their needs. Oppurtunity to learn and perfect my talent of connecting with others.
  • File organization.

Total Energies - Internship at the Total Gargenville petroleum site

July-August 2020

Total Energies, 40 avenue Jean Jaurès, 78440, Gargenville, France

  • Development of a Web Platform: Designed using Excel and PI Processbook. It enabled employees to monitor their safety operating windows and provided a concise display of information, allowing the employees to quickly address any deviations that may occur. Valuable first oppurtunity to put my technical knowledge into practice.
  • File organization and logo design on Phototshop.


My portfolio is divided in three separate categories: Travel, Weddings and Other Events (these include School events or Martial Arts events).

  • All
  • Travel
  • Weddings
  • Other Events



Milton Parc, Montreal, H2X 2H5, Canada


+1(438)-764-1940 / +33769799425

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